Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Science Standards

Florida Educational Standards

5th Grade:
1. SC.35.CS-CS.2.4 Solve real-world problems in science and engineering using computational thinking skills.

6th Grade: 
2. SC.68.CS-CS.1.3 Evaluate what kinds of real-world problems can be solved using modeling and simulation.

7th Grade: 
3. SC.7.N.1.5 Describe the methods used in the pursuit of a scientific explanation as seen in different fields of science such as biology, geology, and physics.

8th Grade:
4. SC.8.E.5.10 Assess how technology is essential to science for such purposes as access to outer space and other remote locations, sample collection, measurement, data collection and storage, computation, and communication of information.

9th Grade:
SC.912.CS-CP.1.3 Analyze and manipulate data collected by a variety of data collection techniques to support a hypothesis.

ESOL Performance Standards
1. 2.1.d.: Demonstrate proficiency in English and model for ELL's the use of appropriate forms of English for different purposes.

2. 3.2.h.: Collaborate with stakeholders to advocate for ELL's equitable access to academic instruction (through traditional resources and instructional technology). 

3. 3.2.a: Organize learning around standards-based content and language learning objectives for students from diverse backgrounds and at varying English proficiency levels.

4. 3.3.b.: Use a variety of materials and other resources,including L1 resources, for ELL's to develop language and content-area skills. 

5. 3.2.j.: Incorporate activities,tasks, and assignments that develop authentic uses of the second language and literacy to assist ELL's in learning academic vocabulary and content-area material. 

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